When you apply entries in different currencies to one another, there may be a small rounding difference. In this case, you can still completely close the entries and post these small rounding differences. To do so, you must specify the interval that you will accept as a rounding difference for the relevant currencies.
To allow for rounding differences when applying entries in different currencies
In the Search box, enter Currencies, and then choose the related link.
Open the currency card you want to allow rounding for.
On the Rounding FastTab, in the Appln. Rounding Precision field, specify the interval that you will accept as a rounding difference.
When you apply entries in different currencies to one another and the payment entry is in LCY, you can also specify an interval that you will accept as a rounding difference for LCY. You do this in the Appln. Rounding Precision field in the General Ledger Setup window.
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For more information about how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For more information about how to find specific pages, see Search. |